Tabel Program Windows Vs Linux

Berikut ini adalah tabel subsitusi program pengganti Windows ke Linux :

Kategori ProgramWindowsLinux
1. Networking
kolom pertamakolom kedua

Catatan Command Line Linux

Manampikan file dan direktori

Dimana saya sekarang

Siapa saya?

Saya adalah a, bagaimana saya mengubah diri menjadi user b
>su b
password : ******

Mematikan komputer

Merestart komputer

Membuat file
>touch nama_file
catatan :
touch sebenarnya perintah untuk mengubah properties waktu pada sebuah file, namuan jika
anda melakukan touch sedangkan file yang d-touchkan tidak ada maka touch akan membuat file

Menghapus file
>rm -f nama_file

Menghapus direktori
>rm -rf nama_direktori

Meliaht perintah yang pernah dilakukan

Mengpus history
>history -c

>exit atau logout atau tekan Ctrl+d

Masuk kesebuah direktori (lihat dimana saya sekarang)
> cd /nama/direktori

Melihat service (layanan) apa saja yang dijalankan saat boot
>chkcofig --list |grep 'n'

Menjalankan service
>service nama_layanan kondisi
nama layanan misalnya httpd,mysql,smb,sound,network dlll
kondisi : start ,stop,status,reload,dll

Melihat proses
-keluar dari top dengan menekn tombol q

Melihat kapasitas hardisk (yang termount)
>df -a

Melihat sebuah file (lihat Manampikan file dan direktori)
>cat nama_file

Melihat tanggal

Melihat kalender

Mengekstart file .zip

Melihat ukuran file
>du nama_file atau du nama_direktori

Memindahkan file
>mv nama_file /ke/tempat/yang/baru

Mengkopi file
>cp nama_file /ke/tempat/yang/baru

Membuat direktori
>mkdir nama_direktori

Melakuakan perintah dengan antrian

Matikan komputer dua menit lagi
>shutdown -h 2

Sudah berpa lama komputer saya hidup

Mengakses floppy/disket
>mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
dan lihat isi disket anda pada direktori /mnt/floppy

Mengakses cdrom
>mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
dan lihat isi cd anda pada direktori /mnt/cdrom

Mengeluarkan pintu cdrom

Memasukan pintu cdrom yang terbukan
>eject -t

Kok ada yg tulis perintah tetapi ada yang pake - (min)
>Min disini adalah opsi, artinya perintah tersebut punya fasilitas lainnya
untuk melihat opsi dari perintah gunakan:
>perintah --help
misalnya :
>eject --help

Melihat struktur direktori
>tree (jika tidak ada, install paket tree dari cd distro anda)

Memformat disket
>mformat a:
+Install paket mtools jika perintah mformat tidak ada
+jangan heran kalo memformatnya cepat
+jika tidak diizinkan, lakukanlah perintah tersebut sebagai root (baca:Saya adalah A, bagaimana saya mengubah diri menjadi user B)

Pulang kerumahku
+cd tersebut tanpa opsi

Melakukan perulangan thd perintah tertentu dengan delay waktu
>watch -n waktu_dlm_detik perintah
+contoh :
>watch -n 1 uptime

Saya peke kernel berapa ?
>uname -r

Membut link file atau direktori
>ln -s /direktori/asal /direktori/tujuan/
contoh :
>ln -s /home /tmp/gue_linux
+sekarang anda bisa lihat didalam direktori /tmp ada direktori gue_linux,
direktori tersebut sebenarnya alias dari /home

Mendengarkan mp3
>mpg123 file.mp3
+anda harus mengintall paket mpg123 untuk menjalankan perintah tersebut

Menjalankan perintah secara background

Mencari sebuah file
>find|grep nama_yg_dicari
contoh > find|grep data_kemarin

Membuka file .tar.gz
>tar -xvzf file.tar.gz

Siap saja yang sedang login

Mengunci keyboard
>vlock -a
+Install paket vlock jika vlock belum ada

Melihat IP aktif

>ping nama_host atau ip

Melihat struktur proses

Mengubah password,contoh :
vx11a~vx11a$ passwd
Changing password for user vx11a.
Changing password for vx11a
(current) UNIX password:[masukan password aktif saat ini
New UNIX password:masukan password baru
Retype new UNIX password:masukan password baru sekali lagi
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Membunuh sebuah proses
>kill nomor_proses (nomor proses: lihat dengan perintah top)

Membunuh proses berdasarkan nama
>killall nama_proses

Melihat path
>echo $PATH

Ada perintah yang sering digunakan lainnya, perintah tersebut misalnya cmod dkk,modprobe dkk, dan lain-lain. Ada banyak lagi perintah, silakan tekan tombol tab pada command line dan jawab dengan y, maka anda akan melihat semua perintah yang dapat dilakukan pada kompoter anda.
vx11a~home$[tekan tab disini]
Display all 2018 possibilities? (y or n)y

Anda dapat mepelajari perintah tersebut dengan perintah
>perintah --help atau
>man perintah atau
>info perintah atau

Game-game under LINUX

Sodara-sodara Ubuntu ku, berikut adalah daftar games yang berjalan diatas linux dan berdasarkan lisensi GPL ato GNU... well most of them are

Sebagian besar game ini harus anda compile, dan bukan game yang berjalan diatas Wine atau Cadega

Daftar ini sebenarnya ada di, milik Mr. Jdodson yang gwe post disini biar jadi pengetahuan bagi para gamer yang ingin bermain game di Ubuntu.


Americas Army
Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - as in price and free download.
Dem0? -
Platform - x86
Deskripsi -
Americar17;s Army is one of the five most popular PC action games played online. It provides players with the most authentic military experience available, from exploring the development of Soldiers in individual and collective training to their deployment in simulated missions in the War on Terror.
Notes - the army does not hide that fact that this is a recuitment tool, however this is one of the most popular online free games.
Website -
added by - jdodson

Battle for Wesnoth
Katagori - Turn Based Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- No
Gratis? - GPL baby.
Dem0? -
Platform - Source Available
Deskripsi -
A turn based strategy game, in the veign of War3, cept turn based. This game is a fantasy strategy game. The game is in its early stages, however it is making good progress and is very fun.
Notes - install this by using synaptic or apt-get snagging the 'wesnoth' packages, make sure you enable universe.
Website -
added by - jdodson

Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid
Katagori - Side Scrolling adventure game
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Cutscenes are raytraced, rest is 2D
Gratis? - As far as I can tell, GPL
Dem0? -
Platform - x86, PPC, Source
Deskripsi -
Since their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have faced a lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and for all.
In Blob Wars : Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless Blob agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many MIAs as possible. But standing in his way are many vicious aliens, other Blobs who have been assimilated and the evil alien leader, Galdov.
Notes - install this by using synaptic or apt-get, make sure you enable universe.
Website -
added by - jdodson

* Single/Multiplayer FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
* Non-GPL Compatable License(however source is available, and it is free)
* Deskripsi:
"Cube is an open source multiplayer and singleplayer first person shooter game built on an entirely new and very unconventional engine. Cube is a landscape-style engine that pretends to be an indoor FPS engine, which combines very high precision dynamic occlusion culling with a form of geometric mipmapping on the whole world for dynamic LOD for configurable fps & graphic detail on most machines. Uses OpenGL & SDL."
* Website -
submitted by: p!=f

Dark Oberon
Katagori - RTS
Gratis? - GPL
dem0? -
Platform - Source
Deskripsi - Dark Oberon is an open source real-time strategy game similar to Warcraft II released under GPL. It has got awesome graphics - textures created from shots of real models made out of plasticine!
Notes -
Website -

Katagori - Real Time Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - No
Demo - yes
Platform - Linux, Windows, OS X
Deskripsi - Combining fast paced action with strategic battle planning, the game features a novel and intuitive control mechanism, a graphical style ripped from 80's retro classics, and a story concerning a tribe of video game sprites trapped in a modern 3d game world. (ripped from site)
added by - jdodson

Dominions 2
Katagori: - Strategy
Requires: - 3D/Video and SDL libraries
Gratis? - Nope, cost ~$40 depends which online store you buy it.
Demo? - Yes, limited to turn 40 and magic tech tree 4 in every paths.
Platform - x86, win, mac.
Singleplayer: - Yes
Multiplayer: - Yes, up to 16 players - Server hosting, lan or E-mail.
Describtion:- Dominons 2 is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Massive unit list and magic list. Build up your god and take world domination. Only one god will prevail. Use your spies, assassins, priests or magic to take over another region as an alternative to warfare. Bards to make a region rebels. Build your own maps or make a new nation with new units, weapons, magic etc. and awhole lot more...
Notes: - Easy to make your own mod. High learning curve, can be frustrating if you are newbie, but there's some nice player guides out there. Latest patch v.2.15
Websites: - screenshots 1(http://thilockdominus.freehomepage....ges/prophet.jpg), 2(, demo(, websites(, d2Board(, d2gameServer(, sunrays virtual library(, list links and fansites(
Added by Artificial Intelligence

Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - you must pay for this game.
Dem0? - yep.
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - A remake of the orginal doom game. A visually stunning first person
blood-fest kill-o-rama. If you enjoyed the original, you might like this one.
Notes - Get the windows version and then install the linux client files.
Website -
Linux Howto -
added by - jdodson

Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes, but you dont have to
Gratis? - GPL source, textures under shareware license
dem0? -
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - This is a QuakeWorld pack put together by Empezar to supply beginners as well as veterans with an easy-to-use QuakeWorld installation. This pack is the most complete, up-to-date and easy-to-use QuakeWorld pack around. eQuake is far from complete and will continue to develop as long as the QuakeWorld community evolves. The current goal of eQuake is to be so complete that nobody, regardless of what mod you play or what kind of demands you've got, will ever have to download anything besides eQuake in order to satisfy their needs.
notes: they include shareware quake packs, you need to only download the equake pack to play!
submitted by: jdodson

Eternal Lands
Katagori - MMORPG
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - As in beer, sources availible
dem0? - nope
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - Eternal Lands is a FREE MMORPG (massive multiplay online role playing game) currently under development. The game is now in Beta stage, but that doesn't mean it is incomplete. There are 9 skills, total character development freedom, many quests, religion, a lot of NPCs, animals and monsters. If you are a PKer, you can fight other PKers in special maps. If you are not a PKer, then you can stay on the non PK maps, where you don't have to worry about being attacked by other players.
submitted by: flygmaskin

Fish Fillets
* Puzzle
* Requires 3D Video? - No
* OS - Source avail
* Deskripsi - Fish Fillets NG is strictly a puzzle game. The goal in every of the seventy levels is always the same: find a safe way out. The fish utter witty remarks about their surroundings, the various inhabitants of their underwater realm quarrel among themselves or comment on the efforts of your fish. The whole game is accompanied by quiet, comforting music.
* Website -
* Notes - Available in Universe
* Added by jdodson

* Flight simulator
* GPL licence
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
* Deskripsi:
"The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated flight simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, for the development and pursuit of other interesting flight simulation ideas, and as an end-user application. We are developing a sophisticated, open simulation framework that can be expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing."
* website -
submitted by: p!=f

Free Civilization
Katagori - Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- No
Gratis? - GPL, baby.
Dem0? - Just get the full version!
OS Platform - Source, Amiga, BSD, Linux, Macintosh, Windows
Deskripsi - (Quoted from the website) "Freeciv is a free turn-based multiplayer strategy game, in which each player becomes the leader of a civilization, fighting to obtain the ultimate goal:
To become the greatest civilization." FreeCiv is a clone of Sid Meier's Civilization, a great game originally released over 10 years ago.
Notes - Many languages and Platforms supported. install this by using synaptic or apt-get snagging the 'freeciv' packages, make sure you enable universe.
Website -
added by: Kakalto

Invasion - Battle of Survival
Katagori - real-time strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- No
Gratis? - GPL
Platform -
Deskripsi - Battle of Survival is a real-time strategy game using the Stratagus game engine.
Website -
added by - Kimm

Katagori - Space Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - As in beer, not speech
Dem0? -
OS Platform - Windows, GNU/Linux
Deskripsi - (Quoted from the website) relive a childhood daydream of deep space intergalactic battle
inspired by herzog zwei, star control, subspace, homeworld, and parsec47
Notes -
Website -
added by: jdodson

Katagori - Flight Combat Sim
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - GPL
Platform - x86
Deskripsi -
Great flight combat simulator. Get flightgear if you want a million technical details and quirks. Get this game if you want an arcade style, low learning curve game to dog fight and blow up targets.
Installation Instructions:
* Add universe repository. Instructions at
* Refresh apt-get
sudo apt-get update
* Install
sudo apt-get install gl-117
Website -
added by: techn9ne, Buffalo Soldier

Katagori - Real Time Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - GPL, baby.
Dem0? -
OS Platform - Windows, GNU/Linux
Deskripsi - (Quoted from the website) Glest is a project for making a free 3d real-time customizable strategy game. Current version is fully playable, includes single player game against CPU controlled players, two factions with their corresponding tech trees, units, buildings and some maps.
Notes - gnu/linux port -
Website -
added by: jdodson

Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - GPL, Baby!
Dem0? - GNU/Linux, Win32, Mac
Platform - sources available
Deskripsi - Nexuiz is a fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter, focused on providing basic, old style deathmatch. Nexuiz is built on the power of the Darkplaces engine, which is a heavily modified version of the original Quake. Darkplaces features realtime lighting and stencil shadows, bumpmapping, gloss, bloom, and totally rewritten network code that supports up to 64 players on a single server. All of Nexuiz is licensed under the GPL, including the core engine, the textures, maps, sounds, and models. It is extremely modder friendly. Because of its GPL license status, it can be included in any Linux distros or packages and is entirely free.
Website -
added by - jdodson

Katagori - Puzzle Game
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - GPL, baby.
Deskripsi - Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course before time runs out. Neverball is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of skill.
notes - install this by using synaptic or apt-get snagging the 'neverball' packages, make sure you enable universe.
website -
added by: jdodson

Neverwinter Nights, SOU, HOTUD
Katagori - Roleplaying, Fantasy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - you must pay for this game.
Dem0? - win only
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - Neverwinter Nights (NWN) is a computer game set in a huge medieval fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. As a player, you are able to choose what skills and abilities you will develop as you voyage though the complex and dangerous fantasy world of Forgotten Realms. Be a deadly and dangerous Rogue moving through the shadows using stealth and secrecy, be a scholarly Wizard and wield powerful magic against your enemies, be a hulking Barbarian whose lust for battle is matched only by his terrible rage, be an armor-clad Paladin who protects the innocent and vanquishes his foes, be a crusading Cleric who heals the sick and defends the helplessr30; be all this and more. Neverwinter Nights allows you to create your own worlds. This revolutionary game will come with all the tools needed to construct your own unique lands of adventure. there are literally zillions of player created modules to keep you busy for hours with this game, zillions is to be taken literally you can buy the original game at the store for around $20.
Notes - Buy windows version and then install linux client files.
Website -
Linux Howto - -
added by - jdodson

* Lemmings clone
* GPL licence
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- No
* Deskripsi:
"Pingus is a free Lemmings clone for GNU/Linux and Windows covered under the GNU GPL. Pingus uses ClanLib and libxml and might also be usable on some other OSs like FreeBSD, but hasn't been tested there. Pingus is mainly developed under GNU/Linux, that's why the Windows port is sometimes a bit behind."
Notes - install this by using synaptic or apt-get snagging the 'pingus' packages, make sure you enable universe.
* Website -
submitted by p!=f

Katagori - MMORPG
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - some sources GPL, art is Planeshift License, free as in beer too.
Dem0? -
Platform - x86
Deskripsi -The objective of the PlaneShift Team is to create a virtual fantasy world in which a player can start as a peasant in search of fame and become a hero. We will focus our efforts in the reproduction of a real world with politics, economy, many non-player-characters controlled by the server that will bring to life our world even without players connected! We want to give FREE access to everyone, without the need to either purchase the game or pay a monthly fee. Servers and bandwidth will be donated by sponsors. Our virtual world is persistent, and this means you can connect to it at every hour of day or night and you will always find players and npcs wandering our realms. You will be able to disconnect and reconnect again, the server saves the actual status of your character including his possessions. 12 races with unique traits for the creation of your character. Unlimited professions through skill system. Original magic system with six Ways of magic. Hundreds of spells! Huge world to explore. Great number of quests to test your wit and skill. Monsters and NPCs with good AI to produce events in the game. A world that evolves also without player interaction. Create your house or castle. Politics and economy.
Notes -
Website -
added by - jdodson

Quake 3 Arena
Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - gotta but this one. GPL version soon.
Dem0? - yep
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - Welcome to the Arena, where high-ranking warriors are transformed into spineless mush. Abandoning every ounce of common sense and any trace of doubt, you lunge onto a stage of harrowing landscapes and veiled abysses. Your new environment rejects you with lava pits and atmospheric hazards as legions of foes surround you, testing the gut reaction that brought you here in the first place. Your new mantra: Fight or be finished.
Notes - one of the original awesome games to come to linux.
"You might need to patch" (note 1.32 "B") if your mouse doesnt work" :
Website -
added by - jdodson

Katagori - Racing
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - The author makes the source avail, it is free as in freedom, non-GPL.
Dem0? -
Platform - x86, AMD64, PPC
Deskripsi - Racer is a free cross-platform car simulation project (for non-commercial use), using professional car physics papers to achieve a realistic feeling. Cars, tracks and such can be created relatively easy (compared to other, more closed, driving simulations). The 3D and other file formats are, or should be, documented. Editors and support programs are also available to get a very customizable and expandable simulator. OpenGL is used for rendering.
Notes -
Website -
added by - jdodson

Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - no.
dem0? - yes
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - World War II rages and nations fall. SS head Himmler has Hitler's full backing to twist science and the occult into an army capable of annihilating the Allies once and for all. Battling alone, you're on an intense mission to pierce the black heart of the Third Reich and stop Himmler -- or die trying. Fighting in advanced team-based multiplayer mode, you'll wage your own WWII in an all-out Axis vs. Allies contest for frontline domination. Powered by the Quake III Arena engine, the Wolfenstein universe explodes with the kind of epic environments, A.I., firepower and cinematic effects that only a game created by true masters can deliver. The dark reich's closing in. The time to act is now. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Notes - Single and Multiplayer - (want a free version of this game, see enemy territory, they took the game engine and released it as a free multi-player only game.)
Website - or try
submitted by ulrich

Savage : The Battle for Newerth
Katagori - FPS/Real Time Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - ~$30 or <$20 for a license (keycode) using the demo.
Dem0? - Yes.
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - Choose to be a commander and you will play an in-depth RTS managing the stronghold, or choose to be a warrior and you will play an intense game of first person combat. With the creation of a new game play genre, RTSS (Real Time Strategy Shooter), Savage expertly redefines the first-person shooter and real-time strategy genres by combining elements of both into one cohesive experience. As the commander in RTS mode, you will tackle resource management, develop a robust tech tree, plan your assault and lead real human players into battle. As a warrior in action mode, you will master many unique weapons, powerful units, and siege vehicles to fight a fast paced battle.
Website -
added by - skoal

S.C.O.U.R.G.E. - Heros of Lesser Renown
Katagori: - Hack and Slash
Requires: - 3D/Video
Gratis? - GPL baby!
Demo? - tis freedom.
Platform - any
Singleplayer: - Yes
Multiplayer: -
Describtion:-S.C.O.U.R.G.E. is a rogue-like game in the fine tradition of NetHack and Moria It sports a graphical front-end, similar to glHack or the Falcon's eye. I tried to design the 3D UI as a best of both worlds from old to new: It lets you rotate the view, zoom in/out, view special effects, etc. On the other hand I've always liked the old-school isometric games like Exult or Woodward.
Notes: - might have to compile this one from source. this one looks very diablo 2 ish!
Websites: -
Added by jdodson

* Transport and economic simulator
* Freeware but not open source
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- No
* Deskripsi:
" The player can create bus and rail connections and transport passengers, mail and goods in and between cities and industries. Even passenger ferries and oil tankers are included in the game. Goods are produced by industries from raw materials, sometimes over many steps of intermediate products. I.e. coal and iron ore are needed to produce steel in a steel mill. Oil may be transformed to plastics in a refinery. Plastics and steel are used to build cars by the car industry. Finally the cars are sold in the cities. Now they need gas to run, which also will be produced at the refinery."
* Website -
submitted by: p!=f

Katagori: - Mario Brothers Clone
Requires: - SDL, OpenGL
Gratis? - GPL baby!
Demo? - tis freedom.
Platform - any
Singleplayer: - Yes
Multiplayer: - no
Describtion:- SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games. The Milestone1 release of SuperTux features 9 enemies, 26 playable levels, software and OpenGL rendering modes, configurable joystick and keyboard input, new music and completly redone graphics. Together with a little story, we hope to provide a good gaming experince with this first Milestone release.
Notes: - included in universe!
Websites: -
Added by jdodson

Tux Racer
Katagori - Racing
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - GPL baby.
Dem0? -
Platform - x86, AMD64, PPC
Deskripsi - Tux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep, snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the ability to race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds.
Notes - Can download this via ubuntu apt-get by enabling universe
Website -
added by - jdodson

Unreal Tournament Series(UT GOTY, UT2003, UT2004)
Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - you must pay for this game.
Dem0? - yep.
Platform - x86, AMD64
Deskripsi - Unreal Tournament is a branch of gaming all to its own. Sporting such game modes as Assault, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, CTF, Onslaught(2004), and more these games pack it in! The UT 2004 folks just released a major patch to 2004 in the form of a collectors edition, available as a download or new shrinkwrap. In the eyes of jdodson this game owns all FPS titles. But dont take my word for it, check the rockin 2004 demo, they just rereleased it with new maps and another game mode for nothing!
Notes - Installers available for 2003 and 2004, need to download the installer for UTGOTY.
Website -
UTGOTY Install - OR
UT Operation Napauli Installer -
UT Bonus Pack -
UT 2003 Packs & patches -
UT 2004 ECE, latest patches & demo -
added by - jdodson
UT 2004 mods -w installers -

Vega Strike
Katagori - spaceflight simulator
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - GPL baby.
dem0? - Kan udah gratis .
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - Vega Strike allows players to explore a vastly dynamic universe where frontiers collide and you're just a pilot trying to make ends meet. How? That's your decision. Vega Strike is designed as a non-linear gaming experience, where you choose what action you want to take. Vega Strike features a dynamic trading economy, allowing your character to operate as a merchant. Discover what trade routes bring in the most profit, what commodities make you the most money given your ship's cargo space limitations, accept cargo missions and learn to avoid areas of danger (repairs eat into your profits!).
Notes - install this by using synaptic or apt-get snagging the 'vega-strike' packages, make sure you enable universe.
website -
added by - jdodson

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Katagori - FPS
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- Yes
Gratis? - source code released, unsure of license. free as in cost and download.
dem0? - Kan udah gratis .
Platform - x86
Deskripsi - Activision handed the Wolf. 3D engine to Splash Damage to create this free game. The results are a very well done 3D Squad Based FPS. Plenty of community maps and mods to make this a great game! Multiplayer only.
Notes - installation HOWTO:
Website -
added by - jdodson

Katagori - Strategy
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- no
Gratis? - GPL
dem0? - Kan udah gratis .
Platform - x86, anyone can build from source
Deskripsi - lmost everyone has heard of the Worms(R) series of games, developed by Team17. Worms was created in 1990, the goal of the game consisting of a several teams of "worms" fighting to the death on a 2D map. Wormux is heavily influenced by all games in this genre, including Scorched Earth and Liero. Wormux is free software clone of this game concept. Though currently under heavy development, it is already very playable, with lots of weapons (Dynamite, Baseball Bat, Teleportation, etc.). There are also lots of maps available for your battling pleasure! Wormux takes the genre to the next level, with great customisation options leading to great gameplay. There is a wide selectioWn of teams, from the Aliens to the Chickens. Also, new battlefields can be downloaded from the Internet, making strategy an important part of each battle.
Notes -
Website -
added by - jdodson

Katagori - Console emulator.
Membutuhkan Akselerasi 3D- No
Gratis? - Yep.
Demo? - N/A
Platform - x86, AMD64, PPC
Deskripsi - Allows you to play SNES ROM's in Linux.
Notes - Most of the available ROM's are not "free" and should only be kept for a day if you do not own the original game. install this by using synaptic or apt-get snagging the 'znes' packages, make sure you enable universe.
Website -
submitted by: zenwhen

* Flight simulator
* GPL licence
* Description:
"The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated flight simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, for the development and pursuit of other interesting flight simulation ideas, and as an end-user application. We are developing a sophisticated, open simulation framework that can be expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing."
* website -

* Lemmings clone
* GPL licence
* Description:
"Pingus is a free Lemmings clone for GNU/Linux and Windows covered under the GNU GPL. Pingus uses ClanLib and libxml and might also be usable on some other OSs like FreeBSD, but hasn't been tested there. Pingus is mainly developed under GNU/Linux, that's why the Windows port is sometimes a bit behind."
* Website -

* Single/Multiplayer FPS
* GPL licence
* Description:
"Cube is an open source multiplayer and singleplayer first person shooter game built on an entirely new and very unconventional engine. Cube is a landscape-style engine that pretends to be an indoor FPS engine, which combines very high precision dynamic occlusion culling with a form of geometric mipmapping on the whole world for dynamic LOD for configurable fps & graphic detail on most machines. Uses OpenGL & SDL."
* Website -

* Transport and economic simulator
* Freeware but not open source
* Description:
" The player can create bus and rail connections and transport passengers, mail and goods in and between cities and industries. Even passenger ferries and oil tankers are included in the game. Goods are produced by industries from raw materials, sometimes over many steps of intermediate products. I.e. coal and iron ore are needed to produce steel in a steel mill. Oil may be transformed to plastics in a refinery. Plastics and steel are used to build cars by the car industry. Finally the cars are sold in the cities. Now they need gas to run, which also will be produced at the refinery."
* Website -

Game-game tersebut diatas sudah sebagian saya coba, dan terkejut dengan kualitas grafisnya!!!!

Terutama America's Army gambarnya bagus dan gameplaynya mantap, dan game AA ini sebenarnya adalah game on-line dengan pengguna terbanyak tahun kemarin sebelum dikalahkan oleh oleh Guild
Juga Quake 3 Arena dan Never Winter Nigths
Hal ini tentu membuktikan bahwa game OL di Luar Negeri banyak yang pakai Linux.

Namun kenapa indonesia ga ada ya?
Kan kasihan warnet-warnet yang ga sanggup beli lisensi

diambil dari forum ubuntu indonesia